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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cure

First Published NOVEMBER 11, 2014 (updated 2021)


So What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?


Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is the most common name[1] given to a poorly understood, debilitating illness of (as far as mainstream medicine is concerned) uncertain/unknown cause. It is also commonly known as ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis).


The name chronic fatigue syndrome was proposed in 1988 in an article entitled, “Chronic fatigue syndrome: a working case definition”[2][3][4], replacing the original (and far more accurate) name of chronic Epstein-Barr virus syndrome.


Symptoms of CFS include muscle (myalgia) and joint (arthralgia) pain, difficulty concentrating, chronic, often severe physical and mental exhaustion and numerous other symptoms including hypersensitivity, digestive problems, depression, poor immune response, and respiratory and cardiac problems.[5]


In addition fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, sleep disorders, severe obesity and major depressive disorders have all been linked or diagnosed as associated to CFS. It has even been proposed that the very medicines they prescribe to deal with CFS may be causing the symptoms of CFS.[6]


Why Mainstream Medicine Fails To Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Mainstream medicine admits that it has no real idea whether these symptoms are due to a single issue or are really an amalgam of a number of different conditions that are, concurrently, affecting the sufferer.[7]


Yet, its very name “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” clearly shows that it cannot be a primary disease. Refer to any medical dictionary and you will see it clearly state that “syndromes” are not diseases – They are “a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease” [8].


Bizarrely, medical research has, as early as the 1930’s, shown the involvement of viral, biological and pathogenic agents are almost always the major causal factors of CFS, yet mainstream medicine persists in ignoring the evidence right in front of their eyes; very often labelling CFS sufferers as suffering from some psychosomatic illness or worse, simply as time-wasting Hypochondriacs and thus Untreatable.


In 1934 there was an outbreak of a condition then referred to as atypical poliomyelitis (which had characteristics very closely resembling what we now call chronic fatigue syndrome) at the Los Angeles County Hospital. At the time it was considered a form of polio.[9]


In 1955 at the Royal Free Hospital in London, a similar outbreak occurred that also affected mostly the hospital staff. Once again with symptoms matching CFS, at the time it was called both Royal Free disease and benign myalgic encephalomyelitis and formed the basis of descriptions by Achenson, Ramsay, and others.[10]


So why can’t doctors find the cause of CFS? or cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?


Why Mainstream Medicine Can’t Cure Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


The reason is they just don’t know how to go about it.


Even if they do accept that CFS is a combination of disparate symptoms, they will argue that, because there are so many diseases that can cause a combination of similar symptoms, there is no specific laboratory or imaging test which can be performed to diagnose and confirm CFS, there is no way of tracking down the actual cause[11] so the only option they have is to run tests to rule out other potential causes for the symptoms[12] and hope to cure chronic fatigue syndrome.


Mainstream medicine openly admits that it has no real explanation or answers to the causes of CFS or ME; and, at best, only offers fairly ineffective treatment (including dietary adjustments, medication, and psychological interventions) which at best may relieve the symptoms a little.


They also consider their success rate of a complete cure to be in the region of only 5-10%.[11]


It is therefore not surprising that mainstream medicine fails to help CFS sufferers as they are only trying to suppress or reduce the symptoms. THEY ARE NOT TREATING THE CAUSE.


To be fair, many doctors do send blood samples off for testing, but, as already said, since they have no accepted medical test for CFS their diagnosis and treatment remain exclusion-led based on patient history and the symptoms they describe.[13]


Thus, they get no closer to isolating the true causal pathogen(s), as most of the tests they carry out do little more than confirm the symptoms the patient already knows they have.


So, What Causes ME/CFS?


The data collected in treating patients at the Kaizen Clinic with ME/CFS  clearly shows that there are a number of causal pathogens rather than a single cause of this condition. It is the combination of these pathogens that leads patients to describe such a wide range of symptoms associated with their condition. 


As a result of this, we argue that ME/CFS is not a "stand-alone" illness but, rather, it is the result of a number of independent infections with a number of similar or overlapping symptoms - all occurring at the same time (or building up over time) that causes the condition. 

Over the last 16 years of treating CFS/ME, there is a clear pattern that has emerged with a number of specific pathogens turning up over and over again... 


These commonly include combinations of what we term "Tropicals" such as Malaria, Encephalitis, Dengue Fever, etc.; viral groups such as Hepatitis, Meningitis, Polio, Influenzas, and more recently the Coronavirus family. 

Although there are a number of other pathogen groups that regularly show up in the patients we have treated, these are the most commonly found to be present.


How The Kaizen Clinic Can Help You


There are three simple steps to cure chronic fatigue syndrome (and any other illness):

1) Find the Cause/Causes
2) Confirm the correct Cure/Cures
3) Treat (kill) the Cause/Causes

Get these three steps right and you must, by definition, get better…

We believe that almost every illness is caused by a specific, or combination of specific pathogens and, as such, there is, in almost every case, a corresponding “specific” solution – a logical and natural cure.

Once we have tracked down and confirmed the pathogens that are causing your symptoms we then treat them with a derivative of themselves to eliminate them. We use the anti-version of the pathogen to kill the pathogen.

In this way, once the pathogen has been isolated, we will use remedies that are derived from the actual pathogens that are causing the problem in the first place to treat the illness. [ed. using exactly the same principles as mainstream medicine when using immunization, inoculation and vaccination to treat illnesses].

The level of recovery and the time it takes will be dependant on a combination of:

a) How long ago the infection occurred (and took hold)
b) The cause of the infection – bacterial, parasitic, fungal, viral (or a combination of
any of these)
c) The state of health of the individual both at the beginning of the infection and
subsequently [as the individual weakens it is very common for further infections to
establish themselves and so exacerbate the condition]
d) The strength of the individual’s immune system
e) How quickly the individual’s body is able to heal the damage caused by the

However, in most cases, once chronic fatigue syndrome treatment has begun, signs of improvement are apparent in a relatively short space of time.



1. Evangard B, Schacterie R.S., Komaroff A. L. (1999). “Chronic fatigue syndrome: new insights and old  ignorance”. Journal of Internal Medicine Nov;246 (5): pp 455-469.
2. Sharpe M & Campling F (2000). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME): TheFacts. Oxford: Oxford Press. pp.14,15
3. Packard RM, Berkelman RL, Brown PJ, Frumkin H (2004). Emerging Illnesses and Society. JHU Press. pp.156.
4. Holmes G, Kaplan J, Gantz N, Komaroff A, Schonberger L, Straus S, Jones J, Dubois R, Cunningham-Rundles  C, Pahwa S (1988). “Chronic fatigue syndrome: a working case definition,”. Ann Intern Med 108 (3): pp 387-9.
5. Wyller VB (2007). “The chronic fatigue syndrome–an update”. Acta neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum  187: pp 7-14.
6. “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Diagnosing CFS”. CDC (March, 2006).
7. Afari N, Buchwald D (2003). “Chronic fatigue syndrome: a review”. Am J Psychiatr 160 (2): pp 221-36.
9. Patarca-Montero R (2004). Medical Etiology, Assessment, and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue and Malaise.  Haworth Press. pp.6–7.
10. “An outbreak of encephalomyelitis in the Royal Free Hospital Group, London, in 1955″. Br Med J 2 (5050):  pp 895-904. 1957
11. “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Basic Facts” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (May, 2006).
12. Fukuda K, Straus S, Hickie I, Sharpe M, Dobbins J, Komaroff A (1994). “The chronic fatigue syndrome:  a comprehensive approach to its definition and study. International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study Group.”.  Ann Intern Med 121 (12): pp 953-9
13. Ross SD, Estok RP, Frame D, Stone LR, Ludensky V, Levine CB (2004). “Disability and chronic fatigue  syndrome: a focus on function.”. Arch Intern Med 164 (10): 1098–1107

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