What Our Patients Say...
I first visited the Kaizen Clinic shortly after starting treatment with a conventional dermatologist. I had been suffering from acne for at least 12 months and shop-bought skin treatments had not been effective in treating it.Greg explained his processes clearly. During my first appointment it became clear that the acne was not “one issue” but likely to be a result of many separate issues (viruses/vaccines etc).
Through a combination of experience and testing, Greg was able to work through the “big problems” with my skin first. This had a very positive psychological impact on me as I could see that the treatment was working. Within 4 months I received my first compliment about how much better my skin was looking. I have continued to see Greg over a twelve month period to resolve the smaller issues.
-Patrick, London
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
The Kaizen Clinic helped me overcome my problems with IBS and digestive issues. Since having the treatment I have no problems with these issues. Thanks to Greg and the Kaizen Clinic for the treatment.
– Amin. Bucks.
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
It was a huge relief to be given respect and for someone to take an interest in my case noting a complete medical and social history in order to work out what was going on – something that had not been done before.I was given some remedies to take which I found to work within a day. After being on laxatives for a year and still not being able to release by bowels (even 5 days at a time), I was now going to the toilet without any medicinal aids.
I have since not touched a laxative and my bowel patterns have returned to normal. This was something I thought would never happen again. My digestive system appeared to be returning back to its normal working state and my bloating was reducing. Over time my weight also started to reduce and the swelling on my face was going down.
I was shocked that this treatment actually worked and that I did not relapse. Family and friends also saw a huge change in me within months, saying how well I now looked. I have been given my life back. I really do feel like I have been given a new body. My life of misery and pain was returning back to normal and my insecurities slowly disappearing.
I would highly recommend the Kaizen Clinic and can say that I have been converted from a sceptic to a true believer that their programme of treatment really does work.
– Jaspreet, Birmingham
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
Before I went to the Kaizen Clinic I was absolutely at rock bottom. I couldn’t leave the house without going to the toilet at least 3 times “just in case”. I had very little confidence and refused or made silly excuses to avoid going anywhere there were no toilets. I would avoid eating if I was going out but would still stress about finding toilets.I am now much more reassured now that I am normal and can now eat out, go on picnics and not get into a state if I couldn’t find a toilet because now I know I can wait.
I generally feel healthier and more confident and able to do the things I want to. Anyone who suffers with IBS needs Greg in their life.
-Melissa, Northants
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I had a number of symptoms when I first visited the Kaizen Clinic. I had suffered for quite some time with constant vomiting from 5am to midday (every day), felt drained, shaky, no energy, stomach cramps, aches, lack of sleep and with very tender skin on my hands which were always inflamed, lumpy, cracked and bleeding. My hands were always hypersensitive to everything and anything.Thanks to the treatment that I received I noticed a huge difference in a week and over the following weeks I felt even better.
I was very pleased with the results and advice I was given it really helped me get through a very uncomfortable time. I no longer have any digestive problems or vomiting and my hands, although not perfect, are a 100 times better than they used to be.
-Terry, Essex
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
Before coming for treatment I was suffering from constant headaches, chest pains and neck ache, I was sweating profusely and had rashes on my chest and arms which were extremely itchy. Also I suffered from extreme fatigue/tiredness and an upset stomach which consisted of diarrhea and constipation which made me miserable.After the treatment I felt very well, the best I have felt in some time. The symptoms got progressively less and less and I feel so much better.
I have lots of energy and I am back to my normal self – in fact better than I’d been for years.
I can’t believe I waited so long to be treated.
-Hayley, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
When I first came to see Gregory I had been suffering from regular painful headaches for many years. I also had a regularly bloated stomach and suffered from constipation. I was always tired.After my treatment my headaches have now reduced to only very occasional and “mild” – a vast improvement. I no longer suffer from bloating and my bowel movements are now regular. My tiredness has also improved.
I can’t recommend Gregory highly enough, he has transformed my life.
-Jackie, Bucks
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I had previously been in Hospital for various tests. Eventually I was told by one doctor that I had had a stroke and another said I was suffering from “Cluster Headaches”. This put me at a bit of a loss with regards to the medical opinion.My symptoms were headaches, loss of reflexes on my left side and partial loss of movement in my left leg. The doctors prescribed treatment was Paracetamol and Aspirin.
I was then told about Greg and went to see him. He found that I had a parasitic infection called Toxoplasmosis and a viral infection called Coxsackie present in my system. He put me on a course of treatment to get rid of them and I began to feel better and better as the weeks went on.
Six months later I feel better than ever.
-M.M. Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I am very grateful for my treatment from you, getting rid of those hereditary bugs that were making me ill all the time. You may remember that one of my main goals was to sort my health out before having children and I’m happy to report that I now have two very healthy and happy children. I am also very rarely ill, which is a relief with my never-ending busy lifestyle.
-Della, London
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I have found the last few months a very interesting experience watching the dial on your machine move nearer to normal in response to the remedies you have given me to take.When I first started I had very bad joint problems, low energy levels due to pain and, in spite of steroid based inhalers, a cough all the time.
The joint problems have taken the longest to resolve but I now have a very positive outlook on the pain I get which is minimal compared to the start of the treatments. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the worst ever) I would say the pain before I came to you was always around 8-9 every day. I spent all my time trying to cope with the daily hassles and this obviously took all my energy away. Now, however, I would rate the pain at 1-2 and, whilst it is still there, I am capable of ignoring it.
My chest is also better, and my energy levels have improved dramatically. I also feel much calmer and more in control of my life – so a big thank you!
I would have no hesitation in recommending this treatment to anyone. If anyone would like further information tell them to email me – I will respond to them with any details they need.
-Angie, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I came because of heartburn and sickness. Mr Wimbourne started me on Campylobacter Pylori [a bacteria and common cause of food poisoning] and after several weeks was feeling very much better. And to date I still feel well.
-Jean, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
Before I came to see Gregory I was told I had IBS by my G.P. and told to avoid certain foods. I was always bloated and uncomfortable, felt lethargic and lacking in energy and got out of breath just climbing the stairs.At the end of my treatment I no longer have any bloating, I am much less tired and I can now eat whatever foods I like with no adverse effects.
-Ruth, Milton Keynes
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
Before I came to visit {the Kaizen Clinic} I was suffering from painful digestive problems (strong stomach cramps, hot and cold spells, wind and bloating) which had begun in 2007. After every meal I ate I would get an intense pain in the low area of my gut and have to rush to the toilet with an immediate burst of diarrhoea. As well as this, because I wasnt holding onto my food, I was loosing weight as well.
I am now perfectly fine. All my stomach pains have gone and so have the hot and cold shivers. I dont need emergency toilet breaks any more, I dont suffer from bloating and wind and I have regained my lost weight.
-Ross H. Hertfordshire
Disclaimer:Results may vary from person to person
Before I visited Greg I was always tired and always bloated. I never enjoyed my food at all. I had deep, long headaches and was not interested in doing anything at all. I also got regular colds and chest infections.I am no longer bloated, and I now enjoy my food and I have not had any chest infections! I have much more energy and overcome tiredness quicker. I have far less headaches which don’t last as long if I do get one.
I am 110% better. Thank you.
-Maxine, Buckinghamshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
Before I came to see Greg I had constant stomach ache and needed to go to the toilet up to 13 times a day. When I needed to go, I couldn’t wait.I am now very much better and only get attacks every couple of weeks or so and I can now wait to find a toilet if I am out.
I also used to have an intense pain in my shoulder and very bad migraines which made me vomit. Since I began seeing Greg, my migraines have never been better and I have not had an attack to make me sick; the pain in my shoulder is all but gone.
-Edward, Buckinghamshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I’m Mick. I’m a keen amateur sportsman and have represented Great Britain. I do some form of training most days.About 15 years ago I holidayed in the Caribbean and on the flight back one mosquito had his last super on my bare foot/ankle. At the time I didn’t think much of it, apart from the bite rubbed and became sore when I wore shoes.
Like most people on the trip I had had diarrhoea and sickness, but that didn’t seem to be that different from the norm. The island had a reputation for this. About 2 weeks after I had returned from holiday I had a repeat episode of the diarrhoea and sickness (which I thought was food poisoning). I visited my local GP and gave samples but there was no trace of any food poisoning bugs. My GP said that as I had had food poisoning I would likely suffer from this for the rest of my life as I had been sensitised to it.
After that I had numerous bouts of diarrhoea and certainly would not travel abroad without my Imodium tablets. I always thought it was something I’d eaten or drunk that was the problem. I was visiting the toilet 2 or 3 times a day (sometimes more) and was considering getting shares in Andrex.
Visiting the Doctor wasn’t much help as I was told not to eat fatty or greasy foods (which I don’t anyway) or “it’s a bug it will pass through you”.
In November 08 I had once again had diarrhoea and flu like symptoms for about 2 weeks, at this point even keeping water down was a problem.
A mutual friend suggested I visited the Kaizen Clinic. Greg informed me that I was suffering from Malaria and Salmonella along with a number of other things.
6 months on from this I am now completely clear and no longer have to take the remedies. I’ve also lost 3 stone, only visit the toilet once a day and don’t have to run to the loo. I used to sweat profusely and that has also stopped.
I feel that my health has been restored, all from having a few drops of homeopathic remedy liquid every day.
My only regret from all this was not knowing about Greg 15 years ago.
-Mick, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I’d been losing weight steadily for a couple of months, weight I couldn’t afford to lose. After having the usual blood tests and ‘examinations’ at my local GP, they’d all but given up on making a specific diagnosis.I was at a loss as to what I could do – I felt totally let down by the ‘system’.
I was lucky enough to be referred to Greg at the Kaizen Clinic. At this point I was ready to try anything as I felt like I was functioning day to day in a daze.
Within just 1 week of commencing the treatment I couldn’t believe the difference. I didn’t appreciate how bad I was until I started to feel better. Not only did I steadily put on weight – and more importantly kept it on, I also regained my energy levels – and got my smile back!
Greg was supportive throughout the whole treatment, and I didn’t feel like a faceless ‘number’ as I did with my GP.
Thank you again for everything. Please feel free to add anything else you want to it – I fully endorse your treatments and am happy to put my name to any praise you like!
-Rachel, Hertfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
This was my first experience of this form of treatment and I went to Greg with an open mind. I was impressed with his knowledge and ability and liked the way he worked. He explained everything, gave me a choice and was not pushy in any way.
The treatment might be taking longer than I had hoped for but it all depends on ailments and the way your body responds. Everyone is different.
I have made continual progress and am happy to recommend him to friends and family which is why I find myself writing this review for you!
-Roni, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I thought I would drop you a line to say how very pleased I am with the treatment sessions I have received from you.When I first came to see you I had a multitude of symptoms including frequent headaches & earaches, lymphatic pain, pain in my right hip and an intolerance of dairy products.
Despite me being on Prozac and Thyroxine you were still able to identify the cause of my problems and eradicate them, thus relieving me of all my symptoms.
Greg, you really do what it says on the tin – find pathogens in the body and destroy them!
I am very grateful to you, not only for helping to make me well but for the kind, considerate and fair treatment I received.
I have no hesitation in recommending you. Many thanks again.
-Lindy, Hertfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I have suffered from IBS for 5-6 years. I’d always have to go to the toilet at least 3 times a day as my food always went through me very quickly and I would produce stools with a lot of undigested food. I seemed to be allergic to sugar, wheat, fruit, milk in fact as my condition continued I seemed to be becoming allergic to everything.After completing the Kaizen Clinic Treatment Programme I feel loads better and my toilet is the best it has been in years. I am now only going to the toilet 1-2 times a day, and with normal consistency. I can even eat bananas again without any problems!
-Gina, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I have been a chronic eczema sufferer all my life. My own experience of eczema is that it is not a condition that is easy or quick to fix and it is also very difficult to find safe, effective, long term treatments.The NHS treatments I received over the years were either ineffective, had complications or caused further damage to my already inflamed and weakened skin. It’s a very frustrating disease, to say the least.
I was recommended to Gregory {at the Kaizen Clinic} by a work colleague. Although it took almost 2 years of treatment, I am extremely pleased to say that the eczema has completely cleared and my general health has improved too.
Being well again has made a huge difference to my life.
-Terry, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
Ten years ago I was suffering from a cold. I went to bed with a lemsip. The next day I woke up not being able to stand up without feeling horrendously weak, dizzy and fatigued.My head, teeth and face hurt like my head was cracking into bits and my neck and shoulders throbbed and ached intensely. These were not the only symptoms. I took a couple of days off work and I did not improve. I went back to work anyway and by the time I had got there I was so mentally and physically fatigued I could not function at anywhere near the level I was used to.
Being financially self-dependent and someone who identified as being particularly fit, driven and hardworking I tried to carry on despite how ill I felt.
Over the following months I went to my doctor’s surgery several times, along with taking many over the counter painkillers despite them being generally ineffective. I had blood tests, which returned negative and after four months I was told I may be suffering from ME/CFS. I was advised to do counselling.
After two years I was finally seen by a specialist who confirmed I was suffering from ME/CFS and who told me to use PACE to manage my symptoms. I continued to be ineligible for any financial help and did not have anyone to rely on so instead I continued to work as a primary school teacher for a further six and a half years, with short periods/days off sick. I was never comfortable standing up, and in private I sometimes used a walking stick.
Throughout those years I also battled with the symptoms of IBS, Vulvodynia, chronic UTIs, Arthritis, chronic sinusitis and pharyngitis; conditions I had already been suffering from before falling ill with ME /CFS. My body always felt like a car wreck and I was deeply unhappy. Most people I told acted like ‘it was probably all in the head’, adding to the isolation.
Over the years I tried many alternative treatments and practices: Acupuncture, Osteopathy, Lightning Process, Person Centred Counseling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Nutritional supplements, Intolerance testing, Diets, Yoga and Meditation. I found all these disciplines interesting and committed to them for considerable amounts of time, however they did not significantly improve my physical symptoms. I also spent significant amounts of time doing nothing but hoping!
The Kaizen Clinic was then recommended to me by someone, and I did not know what to expect. In my first appointment I was diagnosed with several pathogens, most I had never heard of, but within two months of starting treatment I could already recognise its effectiveness of the treatment.
My life is entirely different now. I continue with treatment but I have energy and enjoy working again. I exercise several times a week without ill effect, I don’t constantly come down with bugs anymore and I have a full social life again.
-Elska, London
Disclaimer:Results may vary from person to person
I suffered from migraines from the age of about 21 until visiting the Clinic. I do not have them anymore and I also no longer need to constantly carry painkillers around with me!I had also caught a virus and after the initial (flu like) symptoms had disappeared I was left with a persistent cough. The Doctor had prescribed me with two sets of antibiotics and then a chest x-ray followed by a six-month course of antibiotics. It did not help.
The Kaizen Clinic were able to diagnose my illness as whooping cough and, with their treatment, my symptoms disappeared within 2 weeks.
My son (who had had respiratory problems and was told by the consultant that it “was all in his head”), was also successfully treated for a number of pathogens which together were affecting his breathing.
More recently my sister has also been treated for ME and she is now well on the way back to full health and has returned to teaching full time.
-Sue, Cambridge
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I had suffered with irritable bowel for about 16 years, probably doing everything that everybody else tries to include; modifying my diet, avoiding certain foods, planning all my journeys around toilets and retrospectively realising how awful holidays have been for all my family based on my behaviours! I first considered attending the Kaizen Clinic a few years ago, but decided I had managed as I was for years, and did not want to pay for treatment that I did not really believe would actually work! However, my symptoms got so bad that I could not get to work without needing the toilet, and after abandoning my car a few times decided it was time to visit.At my first visit, I was informed of the likely time frame for treatment, amongst many other things. The bit that you really want to know though, is that I saw an incredible improvement within the first month. And I mean incredible. I now eat what I want – I have no restriction. Food has become enjoyable rather than a necessity as I previously saw it. On a recent family holiday abroad, I felt confident eating what ever I wanted and where ever I wanted versus in range of a toilet. In short was it money well spent – absolutely. I am completely cured, in complete control and totally satisfied. My only regret is that I did not consider it sooner – do not wait, go, go, go!
I could tell you so much more but why? All you want to know is, does it really work YES IT DOES! Stop contemplating make that call.
-Linda, London
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
After suffering from IBS for what felt like my whole life I was at my wits end. It had got to the point that I no longer enjoyed eating and drinking, constantly worried that I will have an “episode” and I was losing weight because of it.I seemed to catch every virus and bug out there, my immune system was shot despite being young, eating healthily and exercising. After yet another dramatic episode of E-Coli and where the doctors said it’s something I will “just have to live with and manage” I decided to take action!
A nutritionist I was consulting with mentioned that she had heard Greg [Wimbourne] speak at a conference and it seemed to make sense so I decided to undergo the treatment at the Kaizen Clinic.
It took me just under 4 months to eliminate 16 pathogens. I am pretty sensitive and in touch with my body so I knew exactly when to stop each course and move onto the next. It was a good feeling knowing that I was killing off the things that had made me so ill for so many years. The process was definitely the best thing I could have done for myself, its helped me to relax and enjoy life more without fear of getting sick and I thank Greg for being so understanding, clear and patient with a rather anxious client!
I feel a million times better and will certainly be having regular check up’s (just like seeing the dentist); you really can’t put a price on your health and believe me it is worth it!
-Jeneen, Hants.
Disclaimer:Results may vary from person to person
Up until my visit to the Kaizen Clinic, I had suffered from colitis for nearly 40 years. My initial treatment was quite enlightened for the time (1973). Diet and high fibre. Over the years I have had several flare ups. The most recent one went on for over 3 years and was approaching the point where I was considering surgery. It responded for a while to steroids and various natural cures, but nothing would shut it down permanently, as the blood test showed.In desperation, like many sufferers, I searched the net and found the Kaizen Clinic website. Since they offered a money back treatment option I felt that I had nothing to lose other than my train fare.
From the very first treatment it was obvious that it would work. Although it took 16 months to get to the point where I can now say that the attack is over, there were very few setbacks, just steady progress as he eliminated the accumulated pathogens and issues.I was off steroids almost from the first treatment. My diet remained quite restricted but has improved steadily to the point where I am now back to where I was 4 years ago. I don’t really understand the mechanism of the treatment (I am a biochemist by training), but as my medical consultant in Oxford (JRI) said of it, “if it works for you that’s fine – there is still so much we don’t know or understand about colitis”. I suppose I am fortunate to have had an open minded clinician as my consultant, but I have yet to persuade him to refer other patients with resistant colitis to Greg! (The medical profession is so conservative!).
I would unhesitatingly recommend anyone with colitis or IBS to try his methods which are very systematic and thorough. Since I first met him I have come across a number of others (including another of his patients) who have found that this homeopathic treatment works for them.
If you are an IBS or colitis sufferer try the Kaizen Clinic. Their success record is much better than conventional medicine, and there are no nasty drugs involved.
-Maurice, Berks.
Disclaimer:Results may vary from person to person
I have to say I was very impressed with Greg and how he managed to cure my migraines. I was getting a migraine on a weekly basis and was getting to the point that it was controlling my life.
After roughly three months Greg managed to have the problem all under control to the point where I managed to overdose on the drops which proved to me how powerful they were!!
If anyone is suffering from migraines or any other types of aches and pains, stop thinking about what to do and get yourself down to the Kaizen clinic and book an appointment with Greg ASAP!!Thanks for the treatment Greg!
-Zak, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
How I felt before treatment:weak legs, couldn’t walk far including up the stairs to the treatment room palpitations at night with disturbed sleep, easily tired stomach pains, IBS, diarrhoea unable to drive, swim, shop at supermarket or go out in the evenings or travel without return of symptoms
How I felt after treatment:stronger, swim 12 lengths 1-2 times a week no stomach pains or diarrhoea can drive 5-7 miles 2X day can shop at supermarket, go out to art club in evenings weekly, have travelled to Australia and been fineThanks very much for your help and care.
-Jane, Northants.
Disclaimer:Results may vary from person to person
Just a little note to say how much better I feel, after attending the IBS Cure Clinic.
I had almost given up hope of finding a cure from the IBS I was suffering from. Then I saw your advert and decided I had nothing to lose so I gave you a ring.I must say I was sceptical at first but it has certainly helped me. Thanks for all your help.
-Christine, Bucks
Disclaimer:Results may vary from person to person
How I felt before treatment:Throughout my adolescent years, I had been suffering from the terrible condition eczema. It’s a horrible condition, as many of sufferers will know will hamper people to live freely.
I had the worst of the worst eczema, from driest of skin that will crack and bleed; intense chronic itching which made me feel like tearing my skin off for the itching to stop.
It was so bad my eczema, got infected which was so painful and bad to look at. Living like this has been hell and also affected my friends and family who I felt could see me in pain and I wouldn’t wish this condition on anyone.
For treatment for eczema I’ve tried majority of things that’s out there. Conventional treatment like steroid creams, immune tablets which temporarily relieve the symptoms. Trying alternative therapies like Chinese medicine and acupuncture, which hardly worked; endless hours searching the Internet, finding (and trying) miracle cures with no result.
Many doctors said to me this condition is irreversible and you must accept that you have to live with this for the rest of your life. This was unacceptable and I refused to give up, willing to get rid of this eczema once and for all.
How I felt after treatment:
To be honest I was cynical of trying this treatment, having used so many treatments in the past with no success. But after 18 months of therapy, 90% of my eczema has gone!
No more skin flaking, no more intense itching and gone putting large amounts of moisturising creams on my skin every few hours.
I will tell you the truth, you have to be patient, as you won’t see dramatic improvement for the first few months. At the end of the course I feel great and the appearance of my skin looks so much better. Confidence and self esteem is at an all time high and I can live my life properly without the ball and chain of that dreaded eczema.
I’ll definitely highly recommend you to try out this treatment if you want to live your life as you want to.
I’d like to take this opportunity to say many thanks for this course of treatment and hope that you encourage more patients to your clinic, and make their lives better.
-Aaron, Herts.
Disclaimer:Results may vary from person to person
Before I visited the IBS Clinic I had bad pains in my stomach and a lot of indigestion. I couldn’t enjoy a nice meal out and felt like my food sat at the top of my stomach.I was often awake in the night or early in the morning because of grumbles and pains and was rushing to the toilet two or three times a day (which can get very annoying).
I feel so healthy now, the grumbles and pains have gone and I don’t get indigestion after meals. I am able to eat all my favourite foods again without rushing to the toilet after. My food doesn’t feel like its sat at the top of my stomach and I get a better nights sleep with no pains.
I didn’t want to take tablets for the rest of my life from the doctor and luckily found the (IBS) clinic.
-Dan, Beds.
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
My 9 year old daughter India had always suffered from regular bouts of tonsillitis and ear-ache but when she caught a flu bug in January 2010 her body just never seemed to recover – she was constantly tired with swollen glands, headache, sore throat and ear ache and was off school for two terms.The GP and Consultant diagnosed her with Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome and as good as admitted they were clueless as to why she was ill and how to make her better.
It was at this point that I contacted the Kaizen Clinic on the strong recommendation of a family member, who had been successfully cured of M.E., and at last we had a coherent diagnosis of what was causing India’s illness!
On starting the treatment India immediately showed signs of improvement and by May 2010 was 100% back to normal, attending school and running around playing with her friends.
India has continued in this vein with no relapses and she has ceased to suffer from the regular sore throats and ear-ache of her early years.
-Joanna, Essex
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I have been a chronic eczema sufferer all my life. My own experience of eczema is that it is not a condition that is easy or quick to fix and it is also very difficult to find safe, effective, long term treatments.The NHS treatments I received over the years were either ineffective, had complications or caused further damage to my already inflamed and weakened skin. It’s a very frustrating disease, to say the least.
Having tried a lot of alternative therapies over the years, I turned to homeopathy again when I was recommended to the Kaizen Clinic by a work colleague. After many remedies and almost 2 years of treatment, I am extremely pleased to say the eczema has completely cleared and my general health has improved too.
Being well again has made a huge difference to my life.
-Sarah, Bucks
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
I came because of heartburn and sickness. Mr Wimbourne started me on Campylobacter Pylori [a bacteria and common cause of food poisoning] and after several weeks was feeling very much better. And to date I still feel well.
-Jean, Bedfordshire
Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person
Kaizen Treatment Clinic, Bedford Business Centre, 61-63 St Peter's Street, Bedford, United Kingdom MK40 2PR
Tel: 01234 589848
email: info@kaizenclinic.co.uk
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